Refugee Roots continue providing remote support for asylum seekers and refugees. This has included Telephone Befriending, Telephone English Lessons and a Telephone Helpline. Some socially distanced befriending groups and one to one befriending meetings are taking place in outdoor spaces and venues. 

Alice one of the residents in a local hotel has expressed her gratitude over the support she has received from her volunteer befriender. 

“If it wasn't for Refugee Roots and their assistance with Maggie calling me to see how my wellbeing is, I don’t think I would be sitting here to have this conversation..sometimes it felt so lonely.”


Read more about Alice here:

Mohammad has been supported through the challenges of homelessness and moving into new accommodation in the lockdown. Our volunteers supported him through Telephone Befriending and more recently have been able to meet in person. 

“It’s like a family”


"It’s been brilliant the help and support I have received from Refugee Roots and their volunteers, it’s been tremendous".

Want to help people like Mohammad and Alice, volunteer with us and provide a place to belong.

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