A splash for cash helps Refugee Roots

Refugee Roots has been awarded £20,050 by Severn Trent to help us fund our volunteer support and community services for asylum seekers. 

The Severn Trent Community Fund is supporting Refugee Roots’ volunteers run group classes in Nottingham, tackling everything from hate crime, the asylum process and much more. Besides the outreach work voluntary groups also host arts, crafts, and cookery classes. Covid dependent these groups look forward to recommencing in new or different ways.

The award is a timely boost for Refugee Roots, as our team aims to further step up our services and capacity with in-depth legal and immigration advice which we are undergoing with Refugee Actions's Asylum Guides.

The fund also enables Refugee Roots to launch a refill water station when lockdown has ended. We look forward to telling you more when we are able to proceed with this.

The cash award also goes a long way to helping cover the cost of befrienders’ expenses and providing social spaces that bring people together, build self-confidence and reduce isolation. We are already planning on using the fund to have volunteers begin meeting up with those we support safely and outside.

I felt really grateful and happy that we got the funding. It will really help support some of our communities' most vulnerable people and will make a huge difference to people's lives.


To apply to become a Refugee Roots volunteer, simply click here.


Can you help? We’re less than £1,000 away from meeting our Covid Emergency Fund target. Even a small £5 donation will go a long way to helping us support those most vulnerable during this time.

Covid-19 Emergency Appeal