How we help Our services Befriending Befriending We have a wonderful team of volunteer befrienders who can meet with participants weekly for 1-2 hours over a 3 month period. Befrienders might meet in a cafe or library where they can provide English conversation, support to access local service providers, or help to find opportunities to volunteer. The service is tailored to the participant's needs and goals. Participants work with the Befriending Coordinator to identify their goals. The participant is then matched to a suitable volunteer befriender. The Befriending Coordinator facilitates the befriending relationship and provides support to participants and volunteers. Through befriending women like Awa are more confident. I am really happy that I met my befriender, my English got better, I saw more places in Nottingham and I am not afraid to go out. 38 individuals have been supported through Befriending Read our participant Alice's story 37 volunteers have been involved Read our volunteer Karen's story Manage Cookie Preferences