Refugee Support

Our support workers can provide information, advice, and guidance on a range of support issues. They can make referrals and signpost participants to the support they require.


If you require refugee advice and guidance, please contact our Support Worker (Fawad) on 07541617114 to make an appointment. Booking is essential to access our support services.

Alliance's Story

Alliance was supported by our befriender Maggie through a difficult and challenging time. The befrienidng relationship made it easier for Alliance to get support from our support workers at Refugee Roots who were able to help with a range of issues. 

Support Workers at Refugee Roots helped;

  • access Legal support
  • get medical help with her pregnancy
  • access counselling and therapy with Growing Forward 

Refugee Roots has helped me tremendously from the first day I arrived in Nottingham. Refugee Roots gave me hope and a reason to start again

Alliance, Participant 

We have helped Alliance with;

  • information on local services
  • advice and guidance
  • signposting to other services
  • referring to other services

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