We started supporting Fahad by accompanying him to medical appointments. He was afraid of getting lost, confused or collapsing; walking was also painful and difficult for him. These things could have prevented him from attending medical appointments and other appointments. With the support of our volunteers; that fear and anxiety was reduced, making it easier and more comfortable for him to travel to such appointments. Fahad is confident and able to attend his GP surgery, and appointments close to his accommodation and that are familiar to him. 

Through contact with our volunteers, we matched him with one of our befrienders who continued to accompany him to medical appointments. Through the befriending relationship, Fahad has started attending English Classes with us. He is also more confident now and feels ready to consider attending a college course. Through befriending and the English class Fahad’s English has improved significantly. His confidence has increased.

Thank you for my befriender, for your help and everything you have done, thank you

Whilst he still has many challenges Fahad is more able to cope with them and he now has a wider network of support. Our work and that of NNRF has given Fahad a real chance of overcoming the challenges he faces, and could be the difference of a solution to his health challenges and to asylum claim being successful. 

We are confident that without our support Fahad would not have been able to attend these vital appointments and that our support has developed skills that he needs to be empowered and able to face his difficulties. 

You could donate to that so that we can help more people like Fahad.
