A place to belong

We offer a warm welcome and hospitality, support and friendship to refugees and asylum seekers. We do this through a range of befriending and support and empowerment initiativesOur groups and activities build strong and positive relationships and are springboards for much more support for many of our participants. We create welcoming and safe spaces for participants to feel valued, listened to and respected.  

How we make the difference

Our Befriending programme offers regular one-to-one support by pairing volunteer Befrienders with participants to meet up regularly. Befriending helps those who have a lack of support and social networks build relationships and connections in their community and in Nottingham. 

Access groups include free English language lessons, a women's-only group, art and creative activities, and a monthly cooking group. 

Our Support Worker offers free information, advice and guidance to participants. This can involve signposting and making referrals to other services for support with wellbeing, housing, basic needs and much more.

Follow the links below to find out more about our services or to make a referral:

Our services

Make a referral